Eiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga Thailand | 114 sqm of land next to the canal with a mountain

114 sqm of land next to the canal with a mountain 

ID: 16602-18517-PNL1099/1178535
#Landbruk #Skogbruk #PhangNga #Thailand
Siam Real Estate
Eiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga Thailand
Eiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  ThailandEiendom land / skogbruk Phang Nga  Thailand | 114 sqm of land next to the canal with a ...

Eiendom land / skogbruk
฿ 461 000 (≈ Au$  20 600) 
TH- Phang Nga, Phang Nga

Kontakt eier

 Alle tilbud om boet leverandøren
114 square meters of land next to the canal with a mountain view is for sale in Takua Thung, Phang Nga. The land is situated on a Chanote This plot is on a public road with water and electricity accessibility. The plot width and length are approximately 10 and 13 meters, respectively. The surrounding area is mainly rubber plantations, with few neighbors. is not crowded, is peaceful and quiet, and is also close to tourist attractions. Don't have to encounter traffic jam problems. And a location like this is suitable for building a small, simple house or a small business.

Located nearby
15 mins to Kajonkiet Khokkloy School,
17 mins to Khok Kloi Fresh Market,
18 mins to Tesco Lotus Supermarket,
20 mins to Khao Pilai Beach,
21 mins to Takuathung Hospital,
23 mins to Natai Pier and Natai Beach,
30 mins to Blue Canyon Country Club,
And 31 mins to Phuket International Airport.

- * Inland
- * Well Water
- * Electricity
- * Mountain View
Status: Available
114 sqm of land next to the canal with a mountain view is for sale in Takua Thung, Phang Nga., 114 square meters of land next to the canal with a mountain view is for sale in Takua Thung, Phang Nga. The land is situated on a Chanote This plot is on a public road with water and electricity accessibility. The plot width and length are approximately 10 and 13 meters, respectively. The surrounding area is mainly rubber plantations, with few neighbors. is not crowded, is peaceful and quiet, and is also close to tourist attractions. Don't have to encounter traffic jam problems. And a location like this is suitable for building a small, simple house or a small business.Located nearby15 mins to Kajonkiet Khokkloy School,17 mins to Khok Kloi Fresh Market,18 mins to Tesco Lotus Supermarket,20 mins to Khao Pilai Beach,21 mins to Takuathung Hospital,23 mins to Natai Pier and Natai Beach,30 mins to Blue Canyon Country Club,And 31 mins to Phuket International Airport.- * Inland- * Well Water- * Electricity- * Mountain View
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